Information and Release ~ Disclaimer
Jeanine DuBois ~ Compassion's Doorway

For yours and my clarity, wisdom, and well-being,
before participating in group and / or private sessions with Jeanine DuBois,

please read the following.
Once you have read and understood this Information and Release and asked any questions that you may have,
if you agree, please indicate below.

I understand and agree that

  • I am in complete charge of my experience in any group or individual sessions with Jeanine DuBois. This is an opportunity to increase my personal awareness and choices. Therefore,
    • I will only participate in activities which I deem as wise choices and potentially beneficial for me,
    • and I will consult my health practitioners and other trusted advisers as I feel led.
  • Information provided by Jeanine is based on experience and / or training, meant to be educational and provided only as general information for my own personal use. The six statements below apply to all that Jeanine offers.
    • No medical, psychological, or veterinary diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, cure, or prevention is expressed or implied by Jeanine DuBois.
    • The techniques Jeanine offers are not a substitute for medical, psychological, or veterinary treatment.
    • Jeanine makes no warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding any outcome from using any of these techniques for any particular issue.
    • Jeanine accepts no responsibility or liability for the use or misuse of information provided.
    • I / We don't have any way of knowing what each person's path is, what their experience or timing may be as a result of this work, so we maintain presence, curiosity, and awareness as to shifts in our experience, noticing how life unfolds.
    • Any form of biofield balancing or energy work can fine-tune our system for more effective and efficient functioning. This can extend to potentiating (increasing the effectiveness of) medications we take and treatments we receive. It is important to diligently attend to how our body is handling medication and whether we need to see the prescribing physician to adjust the dose to our current health status.
  • The techniques Jeanine offers include the following.
    • TAT®Tapas Acupressure Technique®, a modality created and developed by Tapas Fleming which originated in 1993. (Jeanine is a certified TAT Trainer and Professional.)
      • Since TAT continues to evolve, I understand that TAT founder Tapas’ website offers an explanation of TAT, which I am welcome and encouraged to access:
      • Because TAT is a relatively new healing approach and the extent of its effectiveness, as well as its risks and benefits are not fully researched, I agree to assume and accept full responsibility for any and all risks associated with doing TAT.
      • In doing TAT, other emotional and physical sensations or additional unresolved memories may surface or continue to surface, indicating other issues may need to be addressed.
      • Previously vivid or traumatic memories may fade. This could adversely impact the ability to provide detailed legal testimony regarding a traumatic incident.
      • Through TAT, we may release identification with our concern, leading to a shift in perception more in alignment with the blueprint of our true self and less with the overlay of distress.
      • I understand that if I want to share TAT with friends and family, I can direct them to the TATLife® website for Tapas' explanatory information and listing of certified TAT Professionals. Professional use of TAT is limited to certified TAT Professionals.
    • Boomerang Blessings
      • A powerful and sweet method using TAT, intention, and creative action to bring blessings to the individual and to all those welcoming this choice. Jeanine is the originator of this technique, with guidance from Divine Grace angels.
    • Gratitude Wave
      • Incorporating heart-opening TAT enrichments, light Boomerang Blessings, blissful music, and more, this method offers the powerful upliftment of gratitude to participants and their ancestors. Jeanine is the originator of this technique, developed with spiritual guidance.
    • Energy methods, which may include neurovascular points and neurolymphatic points (Jeanine's training is described at <>)
      • These techniques may assist me in balancing and harmonizing the natural flow of energy in and around my system.
      • As with all of these methods, the intention is always for the highest good.
    • Transformational Gratitude, including listening and talking to my body (first developed by Jeanine in 2005 through experience and observation) and Love Letters to Our Bodies (aka Symphony of Me), including sync-ing with our Divine Blue Print (first discovered by Jeanine in 2012 through spiritual experience and observation).
      • The joy and uplift of gratitude in itself may allow for a shift in attitude and an opening to harmony and balance available to each of us in our daily lives.
      • Jeanine's experience is that often listening and talking with respect and gratitude to our bodies creates amazing possibilities of internal communication, balance, harmony, and well-being.
    • Inspirational stories, images, and other resources.
      • These may open us to a greater sense of possibility, hope, and joy.
      • Each individual has a right to interpret others' experience, for their own reflection, in a way which honors their personal beliefs and comfort level. At the same time, we each honor and respect the others' rights to their own personal interpretations.
    • Various methods for resting into Presence (also referred to as Stillness or being in the Now).
      • Presence is often both a key to the method, as well as a result of it.
      • Through Presence, we are more likely to allow our true self to surface and potentially to be set free of overlays of distress.
    • Simple approaches to relax into personal awareness.
      • Each is designed to help us recognize our own experience, and when appropriate, make conscious, wise, fulfilling choices, which honor our truest wishes and enhance our overall well-being.
    • Jeanine's use of educational kinesiology incorporates simple, integrative activities to optimize possibilities for new learning and to support identified personal goals. "Movement with intention leads to optimal learning." <>
      • Any change I may experience through educational kinesiology is a result of my own ability to learn and grow.
      • Jeanine served as a licensed Brain Gym Instructor and Consultant from 7-2006 through 7-2014. She continues to use Brain Gym activities and insights as an adjunct to groups and sessions where beneficial. If I am interested in experiencing additional Brain Gym and / or learning to teach Brain Gym, I understand that the <> website has a listing of Brain Gym instructors and classes.
  • In group and private sessions, anything addressed or revealed is received by Jeanine with respect and is held in honored confidence except where safety requires otherwise. In addition, there may be times where Jeanine may share about an experience in a de-identified way as a learning opportunity.
  • Group members honor the privacy of others in the group. Confidentiality includes who else participates and anything they share.
  • Jeanine's group teleconferences and webinars may be recorded. Adding my voice is implied consent that I agree to Jeanine's making this recording available to other participants, including those who do not participate at the time of the call. I will limit my sharing to whatever feels comfortable to me. I understand there may be opportunities where the recording is paused and I can share off the recording.
  • I respect Jeanine DuBois' right to limit her shared resources (calls, recordings, participant web pages, etc.) to those who have registered to participate. I will honor her wishes and group members' privacy on this.

If any court of law rules that any part of this Disclaimer is invalid, the Disclaimer stands as if those parts were struck out.

By completing the form below and clicking Agree, I acknowledge and agree to
  • all statements herein
  • my choice to utilize any of these methods of my own free will
  • my right to cease using any approach offered at any time
  • I agree to take full responsibility for my self-care, including the physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual dimensions of my life and to seek professional advice as I deem appropriate before implementing any protocol or opinion shared by Jeanine or within the group.

Information and Release for:  Multiple Approaches
*Information and Release for: enter "Info&Release Multiple Approaches"
*Session Participant's full name and today's date:
*Email address:
Street Address:
*City, State, Country:
Clicking the Agree button below sends this form to Jeanine and sends you to the   payment page.

If you are a new client, please speak with Jeanine first.

Feel free to include a message to the right.
* indicates required field


Tapas Acupressure Technique,  TAT, and TATLife are registered trademarks of TAT creator Tapas Fleming, being used with permission.
Brain Gym is a registered trademark of the Educational Kinesiology Foundation / Brain Gym International.

Gratitude Wave and Boomerang Blessings were developed by Jeanine following spiritual guidance, observation, and experience.

To clarify, Jeanine is not a licensed mental health professional. Please seek assistance of appropriate health care providers as needed.

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updated 2017 October 5

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