Love Letters to Our Bodies
~ * ~
Jeanine DuBois Compassion's Doorway
Peta Lynne and Divine Grace angels

Come CELEBRATE with us...
... our amazing LoveLit bodies
... our Divine Blueprint
... support for peace, ease, and optimal functioning
... wisdom for Life from Divine Grace angels

We are so jazzed to share and experience together
transformative uplifting beauty of this circle!
TAT® Trainer Jeanine DuBois will incorporate
... Spirit's loving guidance & support throughout
... elements of TAT as she feels led in the moment
... sync-ing to our Divine Blueprint
... and more

Peta Lynne and Divine Grace angels will share
... insights about our bodies and systems
... simple yet profound optimizing techniques
... angelic love and encouragement

We're grateful to incorporate
meditative music of Paul Luftenegger, who says
"Conscious music is an infinite endless storehouse of LOVE held in timeless vibration — a battery that is always charged..."

Gratitude to JK and QB for this LoveLit photo!

Please contact Jeanine to request
next Sage Center event
or teleseminar version
TBD ~ possibly September 9 @ 8:08pm
Please arrive 5-7 minutes early.

Sage Center
12555 SW 1st Street, Beaverton, OR 97005
STREET PARKING ONLY ~ Please do NOT park in lot.

Please bring
• filled water bottle
• writing material (notebook / journal) 
Optional items
 • pillows for your head / knees (recommended)
 • yoga mat or thick blanket to relax on during meditation
(Sage Center has thin yoga mats & blankets; surface is floor)
  • extra blanket to be optimally cozy

IMG_pen_feather_allfreednld.gifTo register (wait for scheduled event):
(1) Complete

Information and Release form (If you have questions, please contact Jeanine.)
FYI: I use my Info and Release for Multiple Approaches

(2) Suggested donation: $22 - $88 (We invite you to follow your leading)
Bring a buddy and each feel free to donate half as much! 😊
When you click Agree on the Info & Release, Jeanine receives notification, and the page will go to PayPal donation in case this works best for you. You're equally welcome to donate via cash or check at the event.

(3) Watch for follow-up email from Jeanine's gmail, so you know we received your Info & Release / registration.
We'll see you at the Sage Center ~ Group Meeting Room

When finished, I suggest Guidelines for After a Session.

Please drink plenty of water, and limit your time in the TAT Pose to no more than 20 minutes per day.
Your feedback after this experience is appreciated. (And there's a surprise thank-you offering!)

About Jeanine

Jeanine ~ I welcome the simply miraculous and celebrate the magnificence of Life!

2016 participant ~ "This session brought me to a place of connection with Guidance again and a clarity of insight I've not felt in years. ...  I slept through the night for the first time in months. ... Physically, my chronic pain is receding, even as I feel the release of what feels like eons of toxicity.  The gentleness and grace of this work is so appreciated.  ... I feel loved and am able to stick to my anti-inflammatory diet and other needed self-care as an act of Love, without feeling deprived.".

from Peta on ...
Hello, I have been hearing within since I was just a child. I have been profoundly blessed to be able to share my gift with many people over the decades. I have degrees in Psychology but have learned much more from the inner wisdom, life and my seven children.  

I channel for groups and for individual clients. I am so grateful for all of the people that Divine Grace has brought into my life. Perhaps you will feel an inner calling to connect with Divine Grace through me.

To give you the maximum amount of benefit from
Love Letters to Our Bodies,
I have created 7 short videos, totalling around 46 minutes,
that walk you through some key concepts (with stories)
that were part of the healing experiences I’ve had and
been blessed to observe in others.

I welcome you to watch these (preferably in order) at your leisure.
I would suggest you limit your time viewing or listening to just 1 or 2 videos at a sitting,
so that you can be present with the idea and shared experiences,
and to allow yourself to explore each concept in your daily life over the days and weeks ahead.
I hope they might uplift, inspire, and empower you along your path when the timing feels right.

Our Bodies 7-part playlist ~ by Jeanine:

Tapas Acupressure Technique and TAT are registered trademarks of Tapas Fleming, being used with permission.
Jeanine DuBois discovered Divine Blueprint Syncing through spiritual guidance, observation, and experience.

I/Jeanine am not a licensed mental health professional. Please seek assistance of appropriate health care providers as needed.

IMG_house_color.jpg Compassion's Doorway   IMG_EMAIL.GIF Jeanine | To receive Jeanine's Newsletter

updated 2017 August 16

© 2017 Jeanine DuBois